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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Animal Hides

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As in Skyrim, animal hides and pelts can be harvested from dead animals in Cyrodiil. Hides are only one of several categories of items that can be obtained by hunting animals; the others are detailed elsewhere:

  • Raw Food for meat that comes from animals
  • Ingredients for various alchemy ingredients that come from animals

Animal hides, including leather and leather strips, are traded by blacksmiths (including quartermasters) and by hunters encountered in the wilderness.


Name (ID) Weight Value Leather Notes
SR-icon-misc-BearPelt.png Brown Bear Pelt
3 75 4 Sources:
  • Dropped by Brown Bears. May be carried by Ogres.
  • May be sold by hunters starting at level 8.
  • 1 pelt carried by Ralgar Silver-Plow.
  • 7 guaranteed pelts found in 7 different locations.


SR-icon-misc-DeerPelt.png Deer Pelt
2 10 2 Sources:
  • Deer do not drop Deer Pelts (they drop Deer Hides instead).
  • May be sold by general goods merchants starting at level 1.
  • 1 pelt carried by Dar'taqto.
  • 7 guaranteed pelts found in 6 different locations. Locations with multiple Deer Pelts are:
SR-icon-misc-FoxPelt.png Gray Fox Pelt
0.5 6 1 Sources:
SR-icon-misc-CowHide.png Minotaur Hide
2 30 0 Sources:
BS5C-icon-misc-MountainLionPelt.png Mountain Lion Pelt
2 35 4 Sources:
SR-icon-misc-WolfPelt.png Wolf Pelt
1 10 1 Sources:
  • Dropped by Wolves. May be carried by Ogres.
  • May be sold by hunters and general goods merchants starting at level 1.
  • 1 pelt carried by Dar'taqto.
  • 7 guaranteed pelts found in 6 different locations. Locations with multiple Wolf Pelts are:


A female Breton wearing Colovian Fur Armor
A male Redguard wearing Colovian Fur Armor
A Third Era Colovian Fur Helm

Several other items are categorized as "Animal Hides" by merchants, meaning that blacksmiths and hunters will buy them. Most of these are detailed elsewhere:

Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials
SR-icon-misc-Leather.png Leather SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips
BS5C-icon-armor-ColovianFurArmor.png Colovian Fur Armor
6 50 23 3 3
BS5C-icon-armor-ColovianFurArmor.png Colovian Fur Armor
6 50 23 4 4
BS5C-icon-armor-ColovianFurBoots.png Colovian Fur Boots
2 5 5 2 2
BS5C-icon-armor-ColovianFurGloves.png Colovian Fur Gloves
2 12 5 1 2
BS5C-icon-armor-ColovianFurHelmet.png Colovian Fur Helmet
1 23 11 2 1
Totals (without Shield): 11 90 44 9 or 8 9 or 8
BS5C-icon-armor-ThirdEraColovianFurHelm.png Third Era Colovian Fur Helm
1 69 8 2 2

Leather Smithing[edit]

Leather Armor[edit]

A female Breton wearing Leather Armor
A male Redguard wearing Leather Armor

Leather Armor is a relatively low-quality type of light armor. Like its Skyrim counterpart, it is crafted Leather, but differs in appearance. It appears in leveled lists starting at level 6. All items can be tempered using 1 Leather.

Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials
SR-icon-misc-Leather.png Leather SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips
BS5C-icon-armor-LeatherArmor.png Leather Armor
6 125 26 4 3
BS5C-icon-armor-LeatherBoots.png Leather Boots
2 25 7 2 2
BS5C-icon-armor-LeatherGauntlets.png Leather Gauntlets
2 25 7 1 2
BS5C-icon-armor-LeatherHelmet.png Leather Helmet
2 60 12 2 1
Totals (without Shield): 12 235 52 9 8

Colovian Leather Armor[edit]

Colovian Leather Armor has the same stats as regular Leather Armor, and looks identical to Skyrim Leather Armor. It cannot be forged or tempered, but is used as the base for enchanted leather armor in Cyrodiil. It is also found in certain locations as well as in some blacksmith leveled lists from level 1.

Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials
SR-icon-misc-Leather.png Leather SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips
SR-icon-armor-LeatherArmor.png Colovian Leather Armor
6 125 26 4 3
SR-icon-armor-LeatherBoots.png Colovian Leather Boots
2 25 7 2 2
SR-icon-armor-LeatherBracers.png Colovian Leather Bracers
2 25 7 1 2
SR-icon-armor-LeatherHelmet.png Colovian Leather Helmet
2 60 12 2 1
Totals (without Shield): 12 235 52 9 8