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Wraiths are very deadly undead enemies that appear at both early levels and later levels. In Level 3, the Wraiths that inhabit the Soul Cairn are referred to as Wrathmen in both religious texts and in dialogue. Their attacks are very powerful, but inaccurate, and their very high health can make for a very lengthy fight. If you speak to a Wraith and call it "mad as a loon", it will almost always ignore you for a short time. This is a good way to avoid combat with Wraiths. Alternatively, there is a scroll on Level 3 that will give you the ability to banish all Wraiths on that level. If you use the phrase successfully, the Wraith will simply vanish. You will not be able to banish the Wraiths on Level 7, but by this time you should be strong enough to engage them in melee combat without too much difficulty.

For information on Wraiths, please see the related page. For information on Wrathmen, please see the related page.

2000 200 50 50 80 70 50 50 40 50
Location Level 3, Level 7
Spells None

Level 3: The Soul Cairn Dialogue[edit]

Greeting 1[edit]

  • Cheated! Betrayed! Deceived! You promised! But you lied! Forever!
  • You have taken my life, and given me NOTHING! Eternal happiness? Life everlasting? No! Eternal nightmare! Death everlasting! Nothing now. Nothing forever more.
  • Where is this land of joy and plenty you promised? No days, no nights. Tired without rest. Weary without hope. Time without end. And this is the paradise you promised?
Player Response Result
I don't know who you think I am, or what you are talking about. Just leave me alone, or I'll have to hurt you bad. Reply 2
No offense, but you're mad as a loon. And not enjoying it, more's the pity. Is there any hope for your salvation? Or would you like me to put you out of your misery? Reply 3
Sounds terrible. So, who do you think you're talking to? Or are you just talking to yourself? Reply 4
Have I caught you at a bad time? Never mind. We can talk later. Goodbye. END
[&RestBook] With these words, I free you, piteous, unclean spirit, from the bonds of undeath. From fifty Fathers Frozen in slavepast! Rip from the wraithloom! Sunder the lifeweave! Lock tight in earthgrip! Hold firm in gravefast! END Kill AND WraithMeltSFX

Greeting 2[edit]

  • Once I was a man filled with love and hate. Now I am a monster, empty, and hungry. I surrendered my life, and now I must feast upon yours. Flee, mortal, for I have no heart, and would feed on yours.
  • I smell your life, and rave with hunger. I can suck you to a husk, and still scream for thirst. Run, now. There is no hope... Only horror.
  • I want you. All of you. Nothing left. I could pour you all into me, and still feel hollow. How can you stand there? Don't you know what I am? A wraith? A husk? A mad, hungry, hating husk?
Player Response Result
Thanks for the warning. Goodbye. END
Can I help you in any way? Do you want me to put an end to your miserable existence? Reply 1
I wish I could help you, but I'm in real trouble myself. For what it's worth, I feel for you, but I'm warning YOU... Get in my way, and you're going to get hurt. I think. These weapons and spells, they are hurting you, right? Reply 2
[&RestBook] From fifty Fathers
Frozen in slavepast
Rip from the wraithloom
Sunder the lifeweave
Lock tight in earthgrip
Hold firm in gravefast
END Kill AND WraithMeltSFX

Greeting 3[edit]

  • Your weapons amuse me. Against flesh, they may triumph, but they scarcely stir the gossamer threads of the revenant spirit.
  • Show me your little toys, child. Play your little parlor tricks. See how little tin and tinsel avails against the Soul Which Never Dies.
Player Response Result
You talk a lot. I'm not afraid of you. I'm still alive, and I like it that way. You are just a cloud of bad air with a big mouth, and I'm going to rid this place of your stink if it's the last thing I do. Reply 2
Help! Help! I'm really, really scared. I'm going to flee in terror. Right now. PLEASE have pity on me, O mighty, wonderful being of eternal power and glory, and let me run and hide myself from your awesome presence. END
[&RestBook] With these words, I free you, piteous, unclean spirit, from the bonds of undeath. From fifty Fathers Frozen in slavepast! Rip from the wraithloom! Sunder the lifeweave! Lock tight in earthgrip! Hold firm in gravefast! END Kill AND WraithMeltSFX


[[The ghostly presence offers no answering response.]]

Reply 1[edit]

How could you ever understand my pain? You know NOTHING. You understand NOTHING! You are an animal... a weed... a STONE... compared to me. I see all, feel all, suffer all, HATE all, FOREVER! You know NOTHING!

Player Response Result
I see. Excuse me, but this conversation has lost its luster. END

Reply 2[edit]

What can your puny weapons, your feeble sorceries, avail against an immortal spirit? I CANNOT DIE, you fool! CANNOT DIE! I LAUGH at your pity. I mock your tiny fists.

Player Response Result
You are a bad thing. Soon I will make you go away. Far, far away. END

Reply 3[edit]

Listen carefully. We take little harm from your weapons or spells. Seek the Book of Rest and Endings. Speak the Words, and dissolve the Bonds.

Player Response Result
Thank you. I'll do as you say, and with a blessing. END PCTeam

Reply 4[edit]

What does it matter? It's not MY fault! You said I'd live forever. And this is LIFE? You CHEATED me! I HATE you!

Player Response Result
It sounds to me, friend, like YOU are the one who got yourself into this mess. Don't blame me. Don't fool around with necromancy, and blame someone else when you don't like the results. And if you go around sucking the souls out of folks, don't be surprised if they want to blot you out like a bug. Goodbye. END

Level 7: Dagon's Hunting Lodge Dialogue[edit]



Player Response Result
You don't scare me. After what I've faced, you're a light workout. Reply 1
It's wrong that your spirit should linger here after death as sport for Dagon's hunts. I shall sunder the ties that bind you here. May the Powers bless your soul and grant you rest. Goodbye. END
You're undead, right? So you are an abomination, and must be destroyed. Begone, foul fiend! END
I'm here to challenge Lord Dagon for my own life, and for the life of a friend. Can you aid me in my quest? Reply 2
[&RestBook] I free you, unclean spirit, from the bonds of undeath. From fifty Fathers Frozen in slavepast! Rip from the wraithloom! Sunder the lifeweave! Lock tight in earthgrip! Hold firm in gravefast! Reply 3
Spare this poor miserable life, in remembrance of the times when your mortal form also lived and walked and breathed fresh, spring air, and listened to the murmurings of the bee-loud glade. Reply 4

Reply 1[edit]


Player Response Result
Okay. Give me your best shot. END

Reply 2[edit]


Player Response Result
Well. So much for niceness and universal brotherhood. END

Reply 3[edit]


Player Response Result
So. This little ritual doesn't work on all kinds of Wraiths. Live and learn. END

Reply 4[edit]


Player Response Result
I'm very disappointed. I'd hoped for a touching scene with fond recollections of a past life, followed by a shower of generous gifts and a heart-felt blessing. Silly me. It's what comes of listening to all those bards and their silly romantic ballads. END